Coaching & Consulting Services for Parents of Young Children with Feeding Difficulties


Feeding Difficulties

 Feeding difficulties can manifest differently depending on the age of the child. In babies, it may be observed through difficulties with latching, frequent gagging or choking, refusal to breastfeed or bottle-feed, or an inability to sustain a feeding session. These challenges can lead to inadequate nutrition, weight loss, and increased stress for both the child and the family. As your child transitions into the toddler stage, feeding difficulties may present  as extreme pickiness, limited food preferences, refusal to try new foods, or difficulties with self-feeding and utensil use. These challenges can lead to a restricted and monotonous diet, potentially compromising their overall nutrition and growth. There are several potential causes of feeding difficulties and identifying the underlying cause is crucial for effective intervention.

At Village of Littles, we believe in a holistic approach to help toddlers expand their food repertoire. We will work collaboratively with you to develop strategies that encourage exploration and acceptance of new foods. We will help you to create age-appropriate mealtime routines, implement positive reinforcement techniques, and create a nurturing environment to foster a healthier and more varied diet for your little one.