Welcome to Village of Littles: Your Partner Beyond Early Intervention

Welcome to Village of Littles!
The transition out of Early Intervention can be overwhelming. Whether your little one did not qualify for continued services through the public school system or is currently receiving such services and you desire ongoing parent coaching, Village of Littles is here to provide continued support tailored to you and your families needs. Interested in learning more about how Village of Littles can help support your family? Watch our video on how you can get continued support post Early Intervention!
Areas of Support
Speech Delays
Temper Tantrums
Learn how to use specific toys as tools to help boost different areas of your child’s development. And have fun while doing it!
Learn strategies to boost your child's expressive and/or receptive language in a way that works for them.
Learn characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and what to do if your child shows signs.
Learn the reasons for tantrums and effective strategies to help your child manage their big emotions.
Social Emotional
Sensory Integration
Sleep Health
Help your child build resiliency, problem solving skills, emotional regulation and empathy by fostering their social emotional skills.
We can help pinpoint your toddler's specific sensory needs and provide you with activities and/or exercises to implement with your little.
Learn why adequate sleep is imperative and how to get back on track with a consistent sleep schedule with your little and stay the course.
Feeding difficulties can have varying causes. Allow us to partner with you to determine the best course of action for your little one.
Connecting you to Community Resources
At Village of Littles, we're also here to offer support in finding the appropriate community resources, such as community based therapeutic facilities, a diagnosing physician, or area playgroups. Our goal is to ensure you have access to the supports and resources you need. Watch our video on how to get continued supports after Early Intervention ends.
Early Childhood Education Experts
At Village of Littles, we empathize with the stress and apprehension you may experience when your child transitions from Early Intervention but falls outside the criteria for public school services. The fear of halted progress or potential regression can be overwhelming. Maybe your child did qualify for services but you would like continued parent coaching. Rest assured, we’re here to bridge the gap where Early Intervention ends, ensuring your little one’s development remains on track. With steadfast support, invaluable expertise, and customized strategies, we stand by your side every step of the way.
Products and Toys for Young Children to Encourage Development
We have meticulously hand-picked a variety of infant and Early Childhood products and toys that focus on supporting and enhancing your child’s overall development. When you book a service, we assist you in choosing the right toys and products and model how to best utilize them with your little one.